Change is in the air. Manufacturing is returning to America, a movement that expects to grow to tidal-wave proportions by the end of 2023. After decades of US companies offshoring manufacturing, domestic producers are reversing practices.

For many, this is a welcome trend; however, dependence upon offshore suppliers has resulted in many challenges facing today’s producers. In short, the product life cycle is in disrepair. Domestic producers are hamstrung by:

Foreign Issues

  • Reliance on China
  • IP theft
  • Supply chain – unpredictable and unreliable
  • Large-volume orders – challenges
  • Shipping delays and excessive costs
  • Poor quality

Domestic Issues

  • Domestic labor shortages
  • High production costs

The result? Not all manufacturers are prepared, tooled, staffed, or otherwise positioned to leverage “Made in America” to their advantage.

That’s where the Flex Facility concept is uniquely positioned to support this movement.

If you’re unfamiliar with that term, here’s a definition:

A single domestic source that engineers full life-cycle products in less time and costs and at a higher quality than global competitors. It maximizes enterprise value and dominates the product life cycle, providing myriad competitive advantages.

The Flex Facility provides this much-needed service. It allows US manufacturers to fill the gap between ramping up their domestic production capacity and properly maintaining required production levels to meet customer needs, all while controlling costs and managing continuous innovation.

Birch Creek Innovations is here to help if you find yourself in this boat. We provide product design, engineering, prototyping and volume manufacturing to support our clients’ abilities to compete on regional, national and global levels. At its core, Birch Creek Innovations drives non-essential functions to near zero through automation, cost reduction, waste elimination, energy consumption and conservation.

Email or call us for a free assessment.